I have been hiding.
You may be able to tell from my lack of posting and lack of general internet presence...I cocooned myself and I was determined to stay a caterpillar! No butterflies for me!
I descended into the darkness (depression) as I am wont to do every once in a while, but I was able to shake it off.
Here I am, returned to the land of the living, weighing in at a whopping 281lbs! that brings my weight loss up to 26lbs and I am excited about that! I was unable to get my scale under 282 for a long time and I am proud to say I broke the plateau.
It cost me many hours at the gym, sore muscles and food that tasted like crap, but I did it!
I am about to start a new diet program call Visallis (forever mentioned from this point as Vi) and I'm hoping the results will be major. Those who I know who have used it or are using it have lost weight quickly, easily and have kept it off.
I will keep you guys updated and thanks for listening!