Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just Thoughts

Have been a little under the weather the last two days. I actually spent all day in bed today, a combination of Mother Nature's Monthly Debilitating Cramps and a small touch of the flu. Needless to say, I was beyond miserable all day.
Diet jumped out the window and took exercise with it. (darn those suicide twins!)
Totally pigged out last night and today I barely had an appetite and just ate whatever I could for strength. Scared to see what the scale will tell me for the week. I've been taking easy workouts all week because of my horrible timing; I've been getting to the gym late everyday so my workouts were short (25-35 mins)
But the good news is that I worked out everyday from Sunday to Thursday, so I still got my 5 workouts in for the week. Food was ok, not great, but not horrible either. Kinda scared, but looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in to see where I end up for the week.
Started last sunday at 294 and I'll be happy to still be there. My low for the week was 291.8, but I'm sure that was a fluke. I'm hoping for 293, but I'll be happy with 294. only a few more hours before I can get my results.
I totally despise how my period can throw me off-kilter for a few days. The mood swings were in rare form this month and the cramps are freaking outstanding. The good thing is that my periods have finally started to even out, but the horrible thing is that I get them. In a perfect world, my periods would just disappear without the arrival of a new little parasite to suck out my life's blood and drive me crazy internally for 9 months and externally for 50+ years...
I guess this is kind of a rant.
Just a bit.
Back on it tomorrow. I am going to up my exercise to 1 hour minimum each day for starters. Time to kick it up a notch.
Got really excited today because my belly was noticeably smaller when I laid on my side. I had my hand on my stomach while laying on my side and I rubbed down and my hand stopped about 1.5in shorter than I expected it to. It's funny the things that make you happy when you're losing weight.
Thanks for reading.

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