Saturday, December 10, 2011

Food Rewards

I was hovering around 295 since Thanksgiving and getting discouraged and angry and depressed. I went to IHOP last night and pigged out to make myself feel better (yeah, i know, horrible choice) and then I got on the scale today and I was 294
So I broke my plateau and what was my first response?
I wanted to eat a Checker burger.
I purposely drove around so that I wouldn't have to drive past one because I didn't trust myself to not get in the drive thru and get myself a burger. Then my husband called and asked if I was hungry. "NOPE!! but I want a burger" is what I wanted to say, but I just calmly explained to him that I was trying to get past a craving and I didn't need any food.
I ate a powerbar and some apple slices with my evening cleanse regimen pills and lots of water.
I still want that darn burger though.
This is part of my cycle: I lose a few pounds and I want to reward myself and I go get something greasy and delicious and then get angry at myself for eating it and then the scale goes up the next day and then I go on an eating binge for a few days and then I get depressed about gaining more weight and then I stop all attempts at weight loss.
I'm so proud of myself for keeping myself on track through this plateau of mine (I'm calling it a plateau, but I don't think it truly was, but I lack a better word) and I don't want to descend into another bad cycle. To set myself back anymore than I already have.
But how do I break the cycle of rewarding myself with food? I think I will give myself other rewards. I have been FEENING for some sexy black or red heels and I might just treat myself to those after I get under 280...And there are a few tats that I want, so I will start planning those. I am most excited about a tat that says "dork" on my shoulder or ribcage and a wrist tat that says "i love musyc".
No more food rewards.
I still want that darn burger though.
Thanks for listening.
Pressing "post" without any hesistation.

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